Winter Waters is taking over Cannon Beach on February 6-9th! Join us in Cannon Beach for trivia, seaweed art classes, a documentary screening, and more!


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All Levels Yoga in Studio

  • Address: 251 North Hemlock Street, Cannon Beach, OR 97110
  • Phone: (503) 440-1649


Please register for class from our Schedule.

Start the day off right with a well-balanced All Levels (including beginners) yoga class. It begins with a centering meditation, then moves into a physical warm-up to prepare for a varied asana (pose) sequence. It may include Pranayama (breathing techniques), Kriya (energy balancing) techniques, mantra (sound), mudras (hand gestures), and/or Restorative Yoga poses. It will culminate with a deep Savasana (resting pose). Drop-in for $25. Yoga mats and props are provided. Please register online, space in studio is limited.

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