Winter Waters is taking over Cannon Beach on February 6-9th! Join us in Cannon Beach for trivia, seaweed art classes, a documentary screening, and more!


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Member Benefits

You are invited to partner with over 340 member businesses and organizations as we work to maintain and improve the business climate and overall quality of life here along the northern Oregon coast. 

Gain exposure for your business, increase your local and regional contacts through networking, and take advantage of excellent training and educational opportunities through our Cannon Beach Chamber (CBC) programming. Check out our membership menu and complete the application form and submit it with payment today!


(Ability to represent and help Members work on CBC projects)

Invitation to networking events (Business After Hours, Breakfast Meetings)

Ability to join CBC event planning committees, standing, and ad-hoc committees

Ability to work with community groups as a CBC representative

Chamber Website

(50,000+ web visits monthly and the #1 referral site for Cannon Beach)

Personalized business page with access to our member portal (Extranet); offering member communication, Chamber documents, invoices, and listing updating

Ability to upload events, promotions, and employment opportunities

Live hyperlinks to Member websites and social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)

Information Center

(In downtown, open most days, over 60,000 visitors annually)

Display space for Member brochures (rack card), business cards, & event flyers

Live referrals by staff (in person, on the phone) to Member business

A business listing in Lodging, Dining, Wedding, or Relocation Guides

Community Hall

Rental (up to 50% discount on rental fee)

Cannon Beach Magazine

(Annual printing of 80,000 copies, over 75 distribution points across OR & WA)

Listing (name, phone, physical address, website) in the official CBC visitors guide

Display ad space purchase ($185 discount off of insertion cost)


(Distribution at Information Center and via mail, email, online download)

Partner with the CBC in co-op advertising opportunities

Ability to meet with selected media, travel writers, publication editors

Use of Chamber logo and marketing materials in your advertising efforts


(Promote your business with additional support and sponsorships)

Be an Annual Supporter to receive unique promotional opportunities

Sponsor a CBC Event to promote your business


(Electronic distribution to over 480 community member contacts and 6,000 visitors)

Weekly Member Newsletter: member flyer inclusions, member spotlights, resources, links, happenings, and more

Monthly Visitor Newsletter: Event listings shared in the events calendar and content articles (some topics written by members)


The mission of the Cannon Beach Chamber is to promote the economic improvement of business in Cannon Beach and its surrounding area as a year-round destination resort. This includes a desire to extend a friendly welcome to our visitors and enhance the community's quality of life.

If you have questions about membership benefits, please stop by our offices at 207 North Spruce, Cannon Beach, OR 97110, call (503) 436-2623, or email our Membership Coordinator Allen Barber at!