Winter Waters is taking over Cannon Beach on February 6-9th! Join us in Cannon Beach for trivia, seaweed art classes, a documentary screening, and more!
Traditionally, the contestant determines the choice of subject. This is a family contest so risqué ideas are unacceptable.
There is one plot per entry and work must be confined to this space.
Sand may not be added or removed from the designated plot.
Water may be added, though it should be available in each plot as you dig.
No coloring paint, flour, sugar, starch, cement, glue or adhesives allowed.
Only objects native to the beach may be used for ornamentation: seaweed, driftwood, shells, etc. (Toys are allowed for the sand fleas division).
All objects must be removed after the contest is over. Please leave your sand artwork in place for all to enjoy until the tide takes it away.
All accoutrements must be stored within the plot during the contest/event itself- not in the aisle way; the plots are plenty large enough to do so.
Tools and aids should be removed to signify to the judges that you are finished and ready for final judging.
In no way may any tools or devices be used to support the sand after initial forms are pulled away for piling/pounding sand base. Forms are allowed during build up and must be removed before final judging.
The number of people in your plot may not exceed the number of people that are registered to build. Points will be deducted if more than your registered participants are within the plot
There are no “points” lost for finishing early, there ARE points lost for early start/late finish.
The judge’s decisions are final.
This sandcastle contest is designed for family fun and creative artistic expression. Have fun and enjoy the beach!
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited within the plots.
In case of offending behavior we reserve the right to ask any contestant to leave the contest.
Access to the contest area by vehicles will be strictly limited for pedestrian safety issues, and requires a Contestant Driving Pass. No vehicle will be allowed in this area after unloading construction materials. Vehicles will be parked SOUTH of the contest in the parking areas the police officers on the beach have designated. Entrance to the beach is at Warren Way for the Master’s teams.
Chairs, coolers, tenting are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in aisle ways. You may set up your personal rest areas in the soft sand east of the event tents. The side aisle walk ways and the wide mid-way in-between the contestant plots and event tents must be clear at all times for safety purposes.
The tides may alter our timetables, so please be considerate of event coordinators and staff as they may need to make adjustments during the contest hours. All contestants will be notified of any changes as they occur.
Selling of food, beverages, or any type of retail is only allowed by event staff.
Judging Criteria
The energy and attitude the team puts into being on the beach and in the contest.
The way the team works together, getting things done or not, with humor and spirit.
The team’s adaptability to their circumstances or happenstances if any occurs. If a sandcastle/sculpture falls, points are not deducted unless it is not repaired at judging time.
Does the concept of the sculpture portray its message well?
Are all the elements of the design put together in the plot?
Some questions to ask: is it Timely? Creative? Unique? Humorous?
How is the quality of the sculpture/sandcastle, was the design effective within the limits of the sand or did it stretch it’s limits?
How well do the elements work together?
Is the idea focused and presented well for the audience?
Did the team follow all rules and regulations
Is their sculpture neat and clearly defined?
Are the tools organized or gone?
Is the team satisfied and happy with their completed work?