Winter Waters is taking over Cannon Beach on February 6-9th! Join us in Cannon Beach for trivia, seaweed art classes, a documentary screening, and more!


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Recology Western Oregon


Residential Services WOW offers curbside pick-up of trash and recycling*. We’re dedicated to helping you get rid of the stuff you no longer need and finding innovative ways to keep our environment and local communities clean and neat. Check out these additional service options. Fees may apply, so call 503.861.0578 for details. Special pickup If you’ve got a large item for pickup (or an overfilled cart or extra bags), we’d be happy to take it off your hands. (Please place loose items in a trash bag and tie them securely.) Off-curb service Out of town or out of breath? If you cannot put your cart and bins out at the curb, we’ll walk in or drive in to empty them. This off-curb service may be available in your area; call for more information. Carts - View Carts are available in all areas. These carts have wheels and attached lids, making your job (and ours!) easier. However, carts must be placed at the curbside/roadside unless you have signed up for our side yard service. Give us a ring for current pricing and service options. Vacation Rentals Does a vacation property manager manage your home? Do you want them to be able to make changes to your account? If so, please complete the authorization form and send it to us. Small project rental containers - View If you’re working on a short-term project, like a garage clean-up or a small construction job, keep it simple by renting one of our three-yard garbage containers. Chuck your extra scraps and junk into the rental container, and we’ll whisk it away! Medical Waste - Medical waste and sharps (needles, syringes, etc.) cannot be thrown out with regular trash. We offer safe, efficient medical waste disposal and sharps using approved containers. Less than weekly pick-up Every other week, monthly, and will-call services are available in many areas. Call us for details. Online Statements and Bill Pay – Click here to: Make a one-time payment, enroll in recurring payments, and receive E-Statements. *Curbside recycling is only available to WOW customers within the city limits of Astoria, Warrenton, Gearhart, Seaside, and Cannon Beach.


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